Friday 19 November 2010

Oh Dammit...

Why? WHY? Why did I look at GW's new Dark Eldar. I knew I'd want them I knew it but still I went and looked.

Although on second thoughts they are still stupidly expensive and past the 1st sight I hate how the wyches turned out. Well I mean they are better but... Also the transports/Ravagers are kinda meh too... So I reckon I can resist getting a new army lol

Chaos Terminator and Obliterator

Since I've been too lazy to actually paint anything new recently. Here are some old models ^^

First up is the Chaos Terminator. The new version of chaos termies is actually quite cool and detailed. AND most importantly they are huge compared to the old ones. (I'd post a pic of an old one but currently most of my chaos army is packed away)

Second up is a Chaos Space Marine infested with the Obliterator Virus. Old Overnerfed but still very cool. The way his body and flesh grows over his armour... Ahhh the old school games workshop How I miss you...

Monday 15 November 2010


Back in the day when I was really into GW's range of models I have tried to make a full Undead Elven Army. Now I reckon I did relatively well in that endeavour. But naturally I never actually finished that army since (I think I got bored :P)

Nonetheless I've got some pretty funky conversions out of that attempt... and MAYBE some day I will return to this project (yeah right this one and a 100 others)...

Still here are some zombies from that army :) They are quite old but really funky imo

Sunday 14 November 2010

Well here's an update of sorts :)

The deathjack is moving but slowly. I can't quite get the greet right on his helmet and there's a few bits which trouble me somewhat (like his leg falling off etc etc)

But here is what it looks like so far:

Sunday 31 October 2010

Short update :)

I am still alive and I am still intending to post more pictures of stuff here :)

However I am currently painting something quite large and detailed and its taking a wee bit longer than I hoped :) I'll have more for you guys soon :)

Friday 22 October 2010

Old School Corsair

This one takes me back :) Unless I am wrong this unit (since the guy is the musician in a unit) has been painted while I was still in 2nd year in uni. My painting skills have (hopefully) improved since then but I still love this model :)

Wednesday 20 October 2010

Dark Angel Commander

A model I have painted for sale on ebay originally and then couldn't part with it lol. Was quite and enjoyable excercise in painting something a touch brighter than my (then) main army of Black Legion. I am sure you can guess the predominant theme of that army :)

Tuesday 19 October 2010

Lucius The Eternal

Another oldie that I have in my collection is Lucius. The never dying monster that loves and relishes pain and is reborn in the body of his killer after his every death. Not that they happen that often :)

Thursday 14 October 2010

My Cryx army progress

Well I'm almost done getting to my projected 25 point army. That is to say I just need to paint up 4 more Mechanithralls and I will be done (with 25 points). After that I plan to base the whole army I have currently and finish off the small details that the models may be missing. But so far progress has been good and enjoyable.

Here are the pics of what my 25 points looks like so far :) Quality is a bit meh but you'll live I'm sure :)

The scale in Warmachine is notably smaller than in warhammer but lets be real in WHFB since you are in control of units which are static and have to always keep in the standard formation you might as well be using a model with X hitpoints (X = number of models in a unit :))

Cryx Necrosurgeon and her Thralls :)

As mentioned in one of the previous posts I love the body snatcher rule. Little gits stealing bodies and dragging them to "mommy" seems to amuse me for w/e reason :)

So here lo and behold some pictures of finished Necrosurgeon and her Stitch thralls :)

Tuesday 12 October 2010

Champion of Slaanesh

I have painted this guy not too long ago. He is in the almost finished limbo that some of my models end up in. He is I'd say about 90% done with the tongue tail and some minor detail here and there not actually finished... Which ofc in turn stops from sitting down and doing it for w/e reason :)

In any case here are the pics before this turns into a wall of text about how and why I never do it :)

Sunday 10 October 2010

Been a while

Its been a while since the last update. The reason for that is trifold. Firstly I decided that daily updates are a bit silly. Also I've been on a short holiday to see my fiancee and her parents in Finland. And last but not least a fool that I am I have left my camera at her place :P

Well since then I've recieved my (donated) camera back and I can show you some more stuff I have :)

This time lo and behold some high quality pics of my Cryx Slayer (I like him altho I have no tools atm and thus u can see the lovely mould lines >.>)

Sunday 26 September 2010

Stitch Thralls

These little body thieves help Necrosurgeon (should be painted some time soon) get enough bodies to make new Mechanithralls

They are naked weak and feeble but useful :)

Ninja Edit:
Here's a pic of Necrosurgeon herself its still WiP so there's plenty of detail missing. Still I think she looks sufficiently insane already :D

Friday 24 September 2010


She is more or less done. Now I don't think that right now I can make her any better. Only worse lol.

So here she is for you to go 'meh' at :)

Wednesday 22 September 2010

Some more old stuff

Here are some more of my old pics :)

First off is the Terminator Lord from my 40k Chaos Army. He's actually a funny since I've painted him but never actually played a single game with him (I think chaos terminators are poo).

And some of you might remember the old post with the Undead Silver Helm in it ( well since I have a better camera now I can actually post some high quality pics of him: