Tuesday 31 August 2010

Some general (picture-less) stuff

I've started work on the Blood Knights (again) so hopefully I shall soon-ish have a step by step guide (if you can call it that) of how to paint them.

I have also ordered some Warmachine models the other day too. I have figured its time to move on from GamesWorkshop's models somewhat and have been looking at models by other companies for a while now. I've ordered some Cryxian models since frankly I can't have enough bad guys :)

Hopefully you shall soon see them on this little blog.

Goddamn Blood Knights

I've had this unit for heaven knows how long. I've bought it when it was just released and wasn't quite as expensive as it is now. I've had a few attempts at getting them painted and failed every time. Well let us have another go.

This time I shall try to record the progress on these bloody blood knights - this is how they are now:

Very black I agree ^^

Monday 30 August 2010

Chaos Lord

I've been trying to paint this lightly converted chaos lord for quite some time. I will admit that right now I do not like how he is turning out. Still he is not finished yet and thus there is still hope that it might be OK (not much hope for Good tbh)

Some old models

To prove that once upon a time I have actually been good at painting here are a couple of the better examples of my work:

I hope you like them :)

Chaos Warriors

And here are some pictures of that Chaos Warrior unit that only requires basing to be completed.

And a closeup of one of the warriors for you to enjoy:

Chaos Marauders

Recently I have been trying to force myself to get through painting my Warriors of Chaos army (WoC) and since the new edition of Warhammer FB there is more reason to do so since WoC has actually gained quite a few benefits from this update.

So Far I have managed most of the unit of Marauders with Shields (it will be 25 strong) and most of the unit of Chaos Warriors.

Here are some pictures of the partially completed chaos marauder unit:

Here come the excuses - I have been trying to (semi successfully to speed paint the unit) thus the general model quality is average at best.

Oh and here are some Chaos Knights (if it hasn't become obvious yet the army is Slaaneshi themed :P)
I hope you like them

First Post

First post in a blog about those horrible little toy soldiers I collect and paint and play with ^^

Hopefully you will enjoy your stay.