Sunday 26 September 2010

Stitch Thralls

These little body thieves help Necrosurgeon (should be painted some time soon) get enough bodies to make new Mechanithralls

They are naked weak and feeble but useful :)

Ninja Edit:
Here's a pic of Necrosurgeon herself its still WiP so there's plenty of detail missing. Still I think she looks sufficiently insane already :D

Friday 24 September 2010


She is more or less done. Now I don't think that right now I can make her any better. Only worse lol.

So here she is for you to go 'meh' at :)

Wednesday 22 September 2010

Some more old stuff

Here are some more of my old pics :)

First off is the Terminator Lord from my 40k Chaos Army. He's actually a funny since I've painted him but never actually played a single game with him (I think chaos terminators are poo).

And some of you might remember the old post with the Undead Silver Helm in it ( well since I have a better camera now I can actually post some high quality pics of him:

More Skarre (and still in progress)

Here are a few more pics of Skarre in her WiP state :)

She is progressing fairly well. That is to say there is progress and she is starting to look decent. Still plenty of work still to do since its such a finely detailed mini.

Tuesday 21 September 2010

Moar Picturz

Since now I have a new toy to play with and I'm messing around with the different settings on it to make it better (read: worse) here are some more pictures of one of my old but fairly good quality paintings :)

And for no other reason other than "I feel like it" here is a closeup of another Pink Space Marine ^^ (who is old and chipped lol)


And finally (Finally!) a good picture of Dark Elf BSB I've had for literally years :) But finally this picture can do justice to the cloak I painted for him :)

Reposts of the more terrible blurry pics :)

Since I now have a much better camera (courtesy of my friend Sergey who evidently got sick of blurry pics) I am going to repost some of the more terrible blurry pics here today :)

So loadsa pictures of old stuff which you have all seen but its a nice compilation of sorts anyway :)


That's Skarre so far. There is tons of detail to be added yet. But so far I have to say its looking ok. The pictures doesn't really show it well but then not many of my WiP pictures do anyway :P

Sunday 19 September 2010

Cryx Skarlock Thrall

And here are the (not so)long awaited pictures of the Skarlock thrall. I've made a number of attempts to draw some runes onto the basturd but in my opinion my freehand skill has bit the dust due to lack of use. So maybe next time. It is in fact likely that I will come back to him at a later date when I have recovered some of my free hand skills :)

Saturday 18 September 2010

Something different

I figured its about time I posted something different. Warmachine is all great and amazung (bla bla) but I have tons of other cool models of which some are even painted (omg!) so here is a fine-ish example of my (much) earlier work.

Here I present thee a Chaos Sorcerer from Warhammer 40k universe.
Well I hope you like him and I shall see you soon with some more random pictures from my vault of random models :)

P.S. The original idea was that he is wearing someone's flayed skin over his armour (but had it for a while so its all crackled and torn)

Friday 17 September 2010

Cryx Skarlock Thrall (Work in progress)

This guy looks fairly funky I would say... I can see the idea the sculptor had sure... But giving the head such a thick trail makes it look like a massive stretching line of snot...

Right anyway here be the Skarlock and hopefully tomorrow I'll have a few pictures of it finished off with all the fine detail done and completed :)

Thursday 16 September 2010

Mechanithralls (Some more)

Mechanithralls are finally complete. For now anyway. I've actually gone and ordered some more (since I want to have 10 of 'em). Anyway that aside the minimal unit of 6 is complete and ready for gaming :)

Here is what it looks like:

Skarlock thrall next up for being painted :)

Wednesday 15 September 2010


Here's half of the unit of Mechanithralls which are starting to look ok. I can't say I'm trying too hard with them since they are meant to be fairly rough looking. Still I have to say they look better irl than on my crap camera lol.

Still they look dead enough and yet mechanical enough at the same time so all in all Success ^^

The other 3 I'll finish off tomorrow I think

Monday 13 September 2010

Cryx Mechanithrall (Prototype)

Well since I'm actually planning to have a fair few of them Mechanithralls, I've decided it prudent to paint up a prototype and for a change I actually like it (omg). Its not quite done yet but its close enough to be shown to you guys ^^

Cryx Stalkers - Finished

Here are the pictures of "terrible" Cryxian Stalkers. They definitely are terrible especially the one standing on three of its feet lol. Still I kinda like them although they clearly not the best models made by PP by long shot.

Well too many words - too few pictures here they are in all their dubious glory:

Well I hope you liked them lol

Next up are Mechanithralls since I'm all out of Helljacks/Bonejacks to paint :)