Wednesday 30 March 2011

First Outing in a long while

Its been quite a long time since I actually played warhammer (40k or Fantasy). Well I daresay I still seem to find the gaming side of the hobby enjoyable even if its not quite the same anymore. But then what is? :)

Well the game I played yesterdat was a nice little challenge for my Chaos Warriors. lovely empire gunline featuring 3 mages (including a mage lord) a captain and a warrior priest.

Still the boys in purple did their job well. The major highlights included Exalted Champion on a Daemonic Steed holding up in combat against two units for 3 turns (and in process killing the warrior priest). The Sorcerer Lord casting titilating delusions on the opponent's Mage lord - forcing him to charge himself and then kicking him in combat and running him down.

Also I have to remember how much pain the empire rocket launcher of doom can be when it hits >.> Seriously half a unit of chaos warriors in one shot is just a touch silly... Still the Lore of Slaanesh worked surprisingly well. I am especially impressed by the Hellshriek (making half an army take panic tests is sooo much fun)

Anyway enough for tonight's rant and here's a few freebie pictures of the "classic" cadian command squad for your visual pleasure ^^

Monday 28 March 2011

Bane Knight Prototype

This is the er.. prototype for the bane knight unit which I may soon purchase (where soon is an indefinite amount of time). Hopefully it will actually be soon but we shall see. Nonetheless. The bane knight is meant to be a close match in the colour scheme to Bane Lord Tartarus. (here)

And I believe the match of greens (for ghostly effect) and the bronze shading into silver looks quite good to be honest.

Still lo and behold - the bane knight number 1 :)

P.S. Feel free to laugh at my fail photoshop (gimp in fact) skills and my fail attempts at tidying up the backgrounds.

Marauders with Flails (just a few)

A few marauders from a unit currently in progress. I'm giving them funny hair coulours just for laughs but also to make the unit stand out a little.

The heads on most of them are swapped from the marauder horsemen (amazing kit by the way)

Still this is the 1st 5 of them. I think they look a ton better than my previous marauders while still being very simple.

A funny Speed Paint competition in Local GW

Here's a GW Birmingham celebrating its birthday and generally having a laugh just like the olden days lol. The name of the post speaks for itself except for a small nuance. The only orifice the competitors were allowed to use in this one were in fact their mouths :)

We had a laugh and I hope you guys do watching it too.

P.S. I'm a noob and thus turn the phone sideways for some unknown reason. Forgive me.

Second Unit of Knights

These guys are somewhat simpler than the ones before that but they are still very er pretty? :) Well I hope you like my second Chaos Knights unit cos I certainly do.

Marauder Unit (Sword and Board)

A simple and simply painted unit of marauders of Chaos with a small slaaneshi twist. They were painted using the old washes which definitely look dated right now but then again they were a relatively quick and simple job.

Anyway for your pleasure:

Warriors Unit

This here be a unit of Slaaneshi Warriors. Its 99% complete with the exception of the banner which I'm undecided upon. But hopefully I'll try to freehand some on it :)

Neway to cut to the chase here they are:

Thursday 24 March 2011

Retinue of Knights

I'm sure you've all seen my Slaaneshi Champion on a monstrous mount. (Here)

Well now I've finally finished his retinue for him. Seeing how the unit was also mostly ready there wasn't much work to be done here. However the next post will "show off" (er ye) the new unit of chaos knights I have painted. And possibly the completed unit of chaos warriors too.